Everything You Need to Know About Car Tyre Repair

One of the most crucial parts of car maintenance is looking after your tyres. These rubber components not only give your vehicle a smooth ride but also ensure your safety on the road. However, no matter how well you take care of your tyres, sometimes they can become damaged. In such cases, tyre repair becomes necessary. This blog post will tell you everything you need to know about car tyre repair.

Questions To Ask Your Panel Beater

A panel beater helps you align car panels and restore the vehicle’s appeal. An interview can help you determine which panel beater is best suited to repair your vehicle. This piece details a few questions to ask your panel beater before entrusting your car to them.   What Kind Of Repairs Do You Conduct?  Although you might need the panel beater to conduct light work such as straightening a panel, it is always wise to consider panel beaters who perform a wide range of repairs.

5 Common Causes of Leaking Transmission Fluid

A transmission is responsible for intelligently directing power from the engine to the wheels, so it’s one of your vehicle’s most important systems. To run effectively, your transmission requires a healthy flow of clean transmission fluid. When there isn’t enough present, serious internal damage can occur and everyday performance can suffer. Low transmission fluid is often caused by a leak. If this occurs when the vehicle is parked, you may notice a bright red fluid with a noticeably sweet smell pooling beneath it, but fluid can also leak while you drive and go undetected.

Why a Faulty Ignition Relay Could Strand Your Car

A typical car contains a large number of electronic relays that are designed to regulate the flow of electricity. They are, in effect, master switches that isolate power when it’s not required and let it flow to the particular device as and when needed. One of these relays is very important and is linked to the ignition system. What could happen should this relay develop a fault, and how do you know when this happens?